What Is Your Dream? Public Event January 17th 2022
The following is an Open Invitation from Alan Haber inviting the public to participate in a community event.
What is your Dream? Martin Luther King Jr Day
Open Mic on the Commons, Liberty Plaza, beginning 4PM
If Martin Luther King Jr were here in Ann Arbor on next Monday, he would for sure be in the Center of the City, on the commons. And most particularly, he would be in Liberty Plaza which serves as a home andrefuge for a diversity of Ann Arbor people who are poor, some houseless and many of African descent. As an internationalist, he would certainly call attention to this year as part of the United Nations Decade for People of African Descent. 2015-2024, which concludes at the time of the Ann Arbor Bicentennial, 2024 Back in the Day, when working with the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee and Students for a Democratic Society, those who had the experience and pleasure of meeting Martin Luther King, Jr. would have seen that besides preaching and calling to conscience, he asked questions, to draw out the strengths of the people drawn to him. As usual on his holiday there will be programs all day for people to listen. at Hill Auditorium 10-11:30 AM and in the League Hussey Room 2-4 PM with Veterans for Peace and 3-4 PM on the Diag…. A different program, asking questions and What is your dream? Now more than half a century after his Dream, his break the silence speech and after his murder, what for you is Dr. King’s resonance now here in Ann Arbor? This will be an Open microphone program: An invitation for people to speak up and forward There will be a video to make a record. For those more inclined to art, we will have chalk. We will also have information to highlight the United Nations Decade for people of African Descent, 2015-2024, about which too few people have heard. Hopefully this can also lead to a community planning effort toward a Juneteenth African American presence in the Center of the City. Afterwards 5PM, there will be a nearby showing of Dr. King’s “Break the Silence” speech April 1967, 423 South 4th Ave, hosted by Groundcover News Facilitated by the Community Commons Initiating Committee, Please share this invitation with those you know …with a dream wanting to be spoken Alan Haber, Questions 734 657 8083 |