"Cultivating a Culture of Peace"

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Free | Open to the Public

15th Annual Event on the Ann Arbor Community Commons

Discussions of the Wars of the World Paths To Uncover the Peace Always Ready

Welcome to the Ann Arbor Community Commons!

Join in the cultivation of the Central Park and Civic Center Community Commons in the Center of the City Block in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA!

The Center of the City Belongs to You & Me!

Join the Commons NOW!

All Friends of Ann Arbor are WELCOME!

Become a Steward of the Commons!

You are invited to become an active co-creative member partner, neighbor, steward, an allied consciousness in this cooperative effort. While the commons is centered in the “Center of the City,” it includes all of Ann Arbor and our area and watershed and bio region and friends of Ann Arbor everywhere, whoever would join in these cooperative efforts.

Let’s explore this new space together. Belonging to us all, this land will never be for sale, and will always be a shared space for commoners. It’s up to us to make the best of it. Together we can seek higher ideals that benefit all.


Participate in the discussions and decisions regarding the formation and co-creation of the Ann Arbor Community Commons! Join the weekly meetings!


Learn about the Commons efforts in Ann Arbor, as well as resources about the value of Commoning and Commons in cities around the world! Books, tools, examples and more!


Volunteer to work with one of the Working Groups where you can help to build your local commons from the ground up! Connect with like minded individuals who are ready to get busy!

Join the Ann Arbor Community Commons online community by registering your presence here on the Ann Arbor Community Commons website and activate your commons citizenship to partake in the discussions and decisions shaping your Center of the City Community Commons! 

Your continued support will help to bring about the revitalization of the ‘Library Lot’ into the

Ann Arbor Central Park and Civic Center Commons!


Sutainable gardens are being planted which are beautiful and beneficial!


Bringing life to the space with the addition of creations from local artists!


Local events to provide interaction and engagement in the community space!

Social Spaces

Creating park spaces for citizens to visit and use freely on a day to day basis!

Expert Input

A2C2 is enlisting professionals to create a functioning park and civic center!


Beginning the work to make the Commons accessible and safe for all citizens!

Community Events Calendar

Everyone is welcome to attend the public events hosted on the Community Commons! 

The commons is space for all, and available for community events and initiatives. If you think the commons space might be right for your free public event, contact us to start the discussion on how we can work together to bring your community support to Ann Arbor!

Earth Day Celebrations Blooming

PREVIOUS EVENT HELD ON: Saturday, May 20th, 2023

Earth Day Celebrations on the Center of the City Park and Commons are back – and Blooming!  

Support the Community Commons!

Donations are Welcome and Appreciated!

The Initiating Committee is accepting donations, both monetary and physical, to support the growth of the commons!

Your donations go directly to the development of the Center of the City block into the Center of the City Park and Civic Center approved by the citizen’s vote on Proposal A in 2018! So far your community support has gone to family friendly community events on the Commons, professional consultations for the safe construction of a park and fountain, and cultivating the Community Garden into a welcoming, engaging, and educational space for all!

Ann Arbor COmmunity Commons

All-Volunteer Community Garden on the Commons

Winter hasn’t stopped the All-Volunteer Community Garden! We’re planning the 2022 garden with the help of local master gardeners, volunteers, and citizens like you! Join the conversation and Volunteer today to grow some roots with the Ann Arbor Community Commons All-Volunteer Garden!

 Help us to plan:

Sign up to keep in touch!

Join our Mailing List!

Join the Ann Arbor Community Commons Newsletter Mailing List to receive a monthly update on the Commons development including Volunteer Opportunities, Upcoming Events, and Invites to join public meetings.

We look forward to Growing the Ann Arbor Community Commons with YOU!

Welcome All!

A Few Words About The Ann Arbor Community Commons Initiating Committee

We, the Initiating Committee, are a group of Ann Arbor residents and Commons Volunteers who are working with Ann Arbor to create the Ann Arbor Community Commons in the Center of the City Lot according to recommendations from the Task Force Review and input from local citizens engaging in the formation of the commons.

This web site is offered by the gifting economy to help facilitate the recommendations of the Center of the City TaskForce, the City Council and the Will of the Voters to keep this City land in public ownership to be developed as a central park and civic center commons.

The Initiating Committee is a group of volunteer citizens who are taking the first steps to organizing the Ann Arbor Community Commons by creating connections between Ann Arbor residents and laying the groundwork for a local physical Commons in the Central Park and Civic Center Commons.

The Initiating Committee is working to turn the Center of the City Lot into the Park and Civic Center Commons Ann Arbor Citizens want; as well as creating community opportunities to grow and utilize the Lot for our local needs!

YES! This group of commons citizens, the Initiating Committee, works directly with the Council of the Commons and the Ann Arbor City Council to ensure all community efforts are working WITH our local establishments! The Initiating Committee was formed to begin to activate the City of Ann Arbor-approved (Proposal A) Central Park and City Center Commons.